Buy a property in the primary or secondary real estate market in Spain
Rusol Prime will ensure you the best options the local real estate market has to offer. Our team will provide you with assistance in managing your property transactions.
"Primary or secondary real estate market?" - the choice that each potential buyer of an apartment in Spain has to make. To make the right decision, it is necessary to take into account the events that have taken place in the country's economy over the past 10-15 years. At the beginning of the 2000s, Spain experienced a real construction boom, annually commissioning more than 1 million objects. The demand for housing was supported by both local residents, who were stimulated by the ease of obtaining mortgage loans, and foreign investors, attracted by the prospect of owning apartments here. But already in 2008, Spain experienced a crisis, the sad consequences of which are known to many: unemployment, the inability to pay off debt obligations, the collapse of the banking system. The number of people willing to invest in square meters has sharply decreased, and the construction of new houses was practically stopped. It took several years for the Spanish real estate market to begin showing trends towards recovery. According to the College of Property Registrars, there were 318,928 home sales transactions in Spain in 2014. Almost 63% of operations fell on the secondary market, 37% - the cumulative results of the work of developers and realtors specializing in new buildings. Such a "lag" now not only seems natural, it has its own positive side - companies supplying primary housing to the market are focused on real demand, and therefore are distinguished by increased stability and reliability. True, buyers who give priority to new buildings should bear in mind that apartments in such buildings are often sold out six months before the end of construction, and the fixed cost per square meter does not imply the opportunity to bargain in order to reduce the price.
Whatever your choice - an apartment in a long-built house or in a house under construction - Rusol Prime will acquaint you with the best offers that the market currently has. Also, our specialists are ready to provide you with competent assistance throughout the entire process of concluding a transaction or at any stage: from assessing the real value and quality of the object to preparing a purchase and sale agreement.