Immigration to Spain: obtaining a residence permit

Spain is one of the European states with a well-thought-out and constantly improving immigration policy. Its goal is to enable foreigners who decide to change their country of permanent residence to become full members of society without violating the interests of their own citizens. Officially, the foundations of Spanish immigration policy are enshrined in a number of norms and acts prescribed in the Constitution, agreements with the European Union, as well as in decrees and circulars issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Labor and Immigration. As for the main document regulating the procedure for the stay and residence of citizens of other countries on the territory of Spain, it is called "Law 4/2000" On the rights and freedoms of foreign citizens in Spain and on their social integration ", the last amendments to which were made in 2011 with the entry into force of the New regulation to the law.

Declaring the principle of equality between foreign citizens and Spanish citizens, the Law on Foreigners takes into account all possible issues related to the stay of a person with a foreign passport on the territory of the country: from the rules for crossing the border and guarantees of freedom of movement to the right to social protection and the adoption of citizenship. The current procedure for issuing a residence permit is also spelled out there, which, as you know, is one of the most important stages in the legalization of foreigners. It is worth noting here that the law provides for almost two dozen grounds for obtaining a Spanish residence permit, differing from each other not only by the motives of the candidate, but also by the status of his country of origin or the type of alleged social security. In addition, do not forget about the "Law 14/2013 of September 27 on the support of entrepreneurship and its internationalization", the adoption of which was an important step of the state to meet businessmen from around the world who are interested in living and working in Spain.

What gives a foreigner legal legal status? Among the main points are: the right to stay in Spain 365 days a year, the right to free movement on the territory of the 27 countries participating in the Schengen Agreement, the right to open accounts in local banks and receive mortgage loans on a resident basis, the right to subsequent registration of citizenship, the right to reside , registration of a residence permit and citizenship for family members and much more. At the same time, when applying for a residence permit in Spain, you should understand that resident status implies following the laws of the country and fulfilling certain obligations, and ignoring this fact can lead to deportation and a ban on entry into the country in the future.

As a summary to all of the above, we note that the immigration process in Spain, as in the entire civilized world, is a complex of actions regulated by law, the subjects of which are the person and the state, whose interests, in turn, are represented by the competent administrative authorities. To avoid mistakes on the way to the status of a resident, it is very important to take the most responsible approach to the organization of all its stages. This means that you cannot do without the help of a professional lawyer who would have knowledge and experience in the field of immigration law.

At Rusol Service, exceptional specialists are responsible for working with foreign citizens who want to obtain a residence permit in Spain. You can contact them both for general advice and for practical help related to the collection, execution and submission of all necessary documents, and interaction with the responsible authorities.

The most demanded services in the category "Assistance in matters of immigration and legalization in Spain for permanent residence":

Assistance in registration / renewal:

Residence permit with the right to work without a contract / Permiso de residencia y trabajo sin contrato;
Residence permit without the right to work / Permiso de residencia no lucrativo;
Residence permit based on family reunification / Residencia temporal por reagrupación familiar;
Study residence permit / Permiso de residencia de estudiante;
Residence permit on the basis of residence / Residencia temporal por razones de arraigo;
Residence permit with the right to work as an entrepreneur / Residencia temporal y trabajo por cuenta propia

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